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Music Ministry

The music ministry of FUMC Red Oak serves the local body of Christ through worship leadership, special music for services and events and instruction in music through the various ensembles.  Current music ensembles include the Chancel Choir, Handbell Choir, MMM (Methodist Music Makers aka God’s Ringtones) for children grades 1 through 6, Angel Choir for children 3 ½ years old through Kindergarten, and a praise band.

Larry McCord - Minister of Music

Chancel Choir
Rehearsal Times:  7:15 pm Wednesday

The Chancel Choir of FUMC Red Oak consists of adult men and women and sings sacred choral literature from a variety of genres, classical to contemporary.  Everyone is welcome to take part in this ensemble which currently ministers in the 11:00 am service.

Handbell Choir
Rehearsal Times:  TBA (during active seasons)

The Handbell Choir of FUMC Red Oak consists of both high school age young people and adults and is open to new as well as seasoned ringers.  The ensemble rings a 3-Octave Malmark set of handbells and currently rehearses and ministers in worship only during the Christmas and Easter seasons.  During active seasons, this ensemble ministers at the 11:00 am service.

Methodist Music Makers aka GOD’S RINGTONES
Rehearsal Times:  6:15-7:00 pm Wednesday
On break for the summer

The Methodist Music Makers of FUMC Red Oak is a children’s choir composed of young people 2nd through 6th grades.  This ensemble meets after the fellowship meal each Wednesday to share in a time of fellowship, teaching, music learning and games.  Lay leaders assist the Minister of Music, providing important teaching in worship, prayer and other spiritual disciplines as well as helping the children learn their music.  Also known as God’s Ringtones, the group also plays a 2-octave set of Malmark handchimes, preparing them to later take part in the Handbell Choir should they desire.  They minister throughout the year in the 10:50 am Contemporary Worship Service and take part in a Christmas Pageant during the Advent season.

Angel Choir
Rehearsal Times:  6:15-7:00 pm Wednesday
On break for the summer

The Angel Choir of FUMC Red Oak is under the direction of Jo Wilsford, who is assisted by Sherry Martin and others, and is composed of young people 3 ½ years old through 1st grade.  This ensemble meets after the fellowship meal each Wednesday to share in a time of fellowship, teaching, music learning and games.  In addition to singing, this ensemble plays various percussion instruments and has their own set of handbells to ring.  They minister throughout the year in the 10:50 am Contemporary Worship Service and take part in a Christmas Pageant during the Advent season.

    Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors.
    First United Methodist Church
    P.O. Box 25 | Red Oak, Texas 75154 | PH: (972) 617-9100